We often hear that our teenage and young adult years will be the best time of our lives. But for many, this critical period of mental, emotional and social development, can be stressful for teenagers and young adults as we begin to determine who we are and plan for the future.

Behavioral health problems are common and can make things like work, school and socializing more difficult. One in five adolescents, age 13 to 18, live with a mental health condition. Between 20% and 30% will have one major depressive episode before they reach adulthood. Half of all lifetime cases of mental disorders will first present by age 14 and 75% will present by age 24.

If you are experiencing mental and behavioral health problems, help is available!

Crisis Text Line

    • Text HOME to 741741

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

    • 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

NAMI Helpline

    • 800-950-NAMI

Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ Youth)

    • Text START to 678678

Statewide Maryland Crisis Helpline

    • 2-1-1, Press 1