2025 Children’s Mental Health Matters Poster
Each year, student artwork is selected and featured in our annual Children’s Mental Health Matters poster. Over 100 students submitted pieces for this year’s artwork competition, hosted by Maryland Coalition of Families. 2025’s winner is Kayden, 6-years old.
To request a poster by mail, please complete this form: Children's Mental Health Matters Poster Request Form.

Questions about the poster contest? Email cmhm@mdcoalition.org.
The Children’s Mental Health Matters Campaign collaborates with Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities each year to solicit artwork from nonpublic special education schools across the state. Our agencies then select a piece from those submitted to represent the Campaign for our annual Campaign poster which is displayed in schools, non-profits and other agencies across Maryland to raise awareness of the importance of children’s mental health.
Check out our past annual posters below: