Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is May 3 – 9, 2020!
This week we celebrate that 599 Schools and 194 Community Partners have signed on as 2020 Champions to help raise awareness around the importance of children’s mental health in Maryland. We are proud of your continued support, excitement and passion even in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and recognize that there are many champions across the state and nation who also are dedicated to supporting children and families.
Over the last 5 weeks we offered Mental Health Mondays, a collection of resources for families and educators, to help support you during this unprecedented time. We hope that you have benefited from will continue to share these in addition to our Family Resource Kit, Educator Resource Kit and other resources.
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week truly is a celebration of the resiliency of children and the adults who support them, and the continued passion of our advocates like you. We hope that you will connect with us virtually this week on social media for the events our Champions have partnered with us to offer, share facts about mental health to help continue to raise awareness and reduce stigma, and download/view the activities we have created/shared for children and teens to engage in.
A few things to highlight:
Calendar of Events: CMHM Website (updated frequently) | Shareable
Follow us on: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
Awareness Week Facebook Profile Filter
Shareable Social Media Graphics to show your support: