Mark your calendars! The Children’s Mental Health Matters! Campaign annual Awareness Week will be held May 3 – 9, 2020 and will feature dynamic, informative and awareness raising events across the state of Maryland. Parents, educators and anyone who cares for children are encouraged to visit our website to:
- Learn about signs and symptoms of mental health problems
- Find out where to go for help
- Donate toward our Campaign efforts
- Join the Campaign as a School or Community Champion
Maryland schools are invited to participate by becoming a School Champion. Schools can participate by designating an individual to be a School Champion Coordinator (or Team). This person or team is responsible for organizing at least one awareness raising event for their school during Awareness Week. We provide Champions with a Digital Toolkit and other materials to use in preparation for the week.
School Champions – Click here to sign up!
State and local agencies, community groups, nonprofit organizations, and providers are invited to join the Campaign as a Community Champion. Champions commit to use their communication tools to share the Campaign locally and/or coordinate Awareness events. We provide Champions with a Digital Toolkit with suggestions for activities, social media posts, and more.
Community Champions – Click here to sign up!
The Children’s Mental Health Matters Campaign brings together non-profits, schools, agencies and other partners with the goal to raise public awareness of the importance of children’s mental health and substance use. The Campaign also helps to reduce to stigma surrounding mental health, lets parent that they are not along in caring for children with mental health needs and connects families throughout Maryland with information and services to help their child.
Be sure not to miss out on any Campaign updates and join our mailing list. In the meantime, if you have any questions about how you can be involved, contact Tiffany Thomas at 443-901-1550 x234 or at tthomas@mhamd.org